Prop. D – Street Improvements

Road construction

With growth that Lewisville has seen, many streets and thoroughfares need improvements or expansions. The proposition will provide funds for new and improved thoroughfares, neighborhood streets and alleys, and infrastructure that drives economic growth.

Old Town Lewisville street showing signs of age.

Neighborhood Streets and Alleys

Proposition D funds major street updates for neighborhoods that desperately need it. Aging neighborhood streets sometimes become more expensive to maintain than to re-engineer and repave. It’s more financially responsible to take care of upgrades in sewer, drainage, and sidewalks at the same time, though sewer and drainage may use different funding sources. Of course, any rehabs will include ADA compliance for pedestrians.

The following neighborhoods are on the list for major rehabs:

  • McKenzie-Hembry Neighborhood
  • Northeast Old Town
  • Lewisville Valley 4
  • Lewisville Valley 1
  • South Cowan
  • Kealy Avenue
  • South Charles Street
  • Meadow Glen Phases 1 and 2
  • West College Street

In addition to the above, a line item for general alley replacement and rehabilitation is part of the package.

Even if your neighborhood is not included in the list, having these major neighborhoods redone will free up needed resources for regular maintenance to fix smaller issues in all neighborhoods.

Corporate drive - current eastern terminus at Railroad Street


Corporate Drive will be extended east from Railroad Street to Old Denton Road at Castle Hills, becoming a connector of the city. This project is paid for mostly by Denton County, but needs additional funding to get to the finish line.

South Mill Street, Phase 2 will update and improve the street by creating bike lanes, wide sidewalks, lighting, and parking along with landscaping as needed. This will continue the work TXDOT is doing with creating a curve in Mill Street at HWY 121 that will make access easier and safer for drivers and pedestrians.

The Purnell Street – Redbud Street connection will ease traffic on HWY 121 and Railroad Street. It will give better access to industrial sites on 121 and allow better and safer access to the McKenzie/Hembry neighborhood. This takes the place of a railroad crossing that school buses must currently use.

Valley Ridge Blvd. project extends the four-lane road eastward to connect to the “new” Corporate Drive. It allows traffic to bypass Business HWY 121 to go eastward, eventually meeting Old Denton Road with the extension of Corporate Drive.

Valley Ridge - eastern terminus at animal shelter/ Railroad Park

Infrastructure for Economic Growth

Additionally, this proposition sets up street infrastructure for improvements in The Vista mall area for future business growth, including rights-of-way, utilities, and other engineering expenses. The next chapter of the story for this location will leverage a small amount of public investment to bring in massive amounts of business investment for retail experiences that many citizens travel to other cities to find.